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I started doing smoked meatloaf at least a couple of decades ago and I wish I had a dollar for every person that's told me it made meatloaf great again (MMGA)🤣
Here's a selection of smoked meatloaf recipes that might just tickle your fancy even if you think you don't like meatloaf.
For those of you who love meatloaf already, this stuff will rock your world!
Smoked Meatloaf – Made with Jalapeno and Buttermilk
Smoked meatloaf is AH-mazing and if you haven't tried it– well, you probably should. It may just change your world! Meatloaf was a staple growing up in the Blue Ridge…
Smoked Meatloaf Stuffed with Jalapeño and Cheese
Several years ago, I was contemplating a personal sized meatloaf that included jalapeno, one of my favorite peppers and the idea occurred to me to just use a stuffed pepper…
Smoked Meatloaf Logs
Smoked meatloaf is something I decided to try about 15 years ago on a whim and it has been a regular feature at our table ever since. I wrote about…
Smoked Beef And Pork Meatloaf Muffins
This smoked beef and pork meatloaf might possibly be the most tasty and moist smoked meatloaf I've ever tasted. Made from ground chuck and spicy ground pork sausage with other…
Smoked Meatloaf – Better than Ever
Over the years we have posted several recipes for smoked meatloaf and, of course, the accolades just pour in and especially from those who have just tried it and realize that…
Smoked Meatloaf: The Ultimate Comfort Food
Smoked meatloaf is one of those things that affects people in a big way. Almost without fail, every time someone tries it they proclaim that they will never eat “oven…
Hi Jeff, long time follower originally from Muskogee, have been in Monroe, WA since 1965.
I’m off this morning to my favorite breakfast, a Waygu Meatloaf, at a cafe 20 miles away. It is so good!
I’ve been using a slight modification of your “better than ever” recipe as the basis for my smoked stuffed meatloaf for quite a while now, and it’s a family favorite. (Slight mod = replace celery with more bell peppers, “stuffed” = a layer of multiple cheeses in the middle.)
Raw, old fashioned oatmeal right out of the cardboard cylinder.
I use approximately equal volumes of meat and rolled oatmeal in my meatloaf. You might need to add an extra egg for moisture to hold it together.
It comes out nice and “fluffy”, not dense and hard.
I find that 1 cup of breadcrumbs is not enough to loosen up the density of the meatloaf.
Really enjoy your postings and look forward to each one. Hope you and yours are safe and dry.
Just curious, instant oats, cooked or raw out of the pkg. I thought raw, please clarify
Charles, I’ve always used the 1-minute rolled oats for this, uncooked.