
Non-Traditional Smoked Christmas Recipes

non traditional christmas entrees hero

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When we think of smoked entrees for Christmas dinner, we usually think of prime rib, crown roast of pork, lobster, etc. but don't feel like you're stuck in a box.

You can definitely color outside of the lines if you want to and these non-traditional smoked Christmas recipes will help you do just that!

We often do a big mess of smoked pork ribs or even a big ol' fat brisket for Christmas dinner.

Here's some of my favorite non-traditional smoked Christmas recipes that work amazingly well for the big holiday meal!

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  1. hey there jeff !!! iam just a small-time cook just me and the wife, been collecting and trying your recipes sense 2019! with some great success, baby backs seam to be my best, and i really love trying out the appetizers always trying something new, will be smoking the ham this year for x-mas and i have no fear it will turn out great thx for all you do

  2. I love your smoking process! You really have it down my friend! Thank you for sharing your experience and recipes!! 😉

  3. I think I’ve tried just about all the recipes you post…..except ones I don’t like. You made me a Hero! Thank you!

  4. Jeff,
    I’ve been on your email list for a long time. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you.

    Your recipes have given me some great options to do something different each time.

    Merry Christmas

  5. Hi Jeff,

    Since I live in Austin, what better way to support our local restaurants than to buy local at Christmas. We have been buying a brisket from Franklins for our Christmas dinner for the last several years and it is delicious. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous new year.


  6. Jeff,
    I’ve been following you for at least a couple of years and look forward to your emails!
    I’ve used many of your recipes with awesome results and I’d say I save 99% of your emails for future use.
    Thanks for the great advice and keep up the good work.
    Merry Christmas!!!