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My Best Smoked Rib Recipes

2013 IMG 1248 800x533 2

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I LOVE smoked pork ribs.

I don't think I'm alone in this but there's just something about gnawing that meat straight from the bone that's so primal and feels so “cave man”. I'm a carnivore to my core and there's just nothing more carnivorous than this.

I've done a lot of smoked pork ribs over the years but if I have to pick my best ones, here they are! Let me know in the comments below if you which one of these is YOUR favorite.

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  1. So Maki the Feral Afghan Refugee Cat went outside one afternoon the end of this past September and didn’t come home.

    We went crazy looking for her. We set up traps and cameras and posted on our neighborhood listserv and flooded the zone with “Lost Cat” signs.

    (Trust me this is about my favorite smoked ribs…)

    We posted signs in the neighborhood separated from our house by two streets and a creek. After 3 weeks, I got a phone call from Mike. He told me that he and his wife Natalie had been feeding Maki, and he texted me a photo of her eating on their sun deck.

    We went over there and set up a trap, because she’s very flighty and would probably run off if I tried to pick her up. Ten minutes after I got home, they called me; she’s in the trap.

    Maki is home again. She’s lost her outdoor privileges and now wears a GPS in case she escapes.

    And we’re having Mike and Natalie and their boy over for dinner tonight. I’m making the Jazzed Up Raspberry Short Ribs. I expect it’ll be a big hit because I noticed when I was there that Mike has a Traeger smoker out back.