
Jeff’s Chimichurri Recipe

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Chimichurri is an uncooked sauce that goes great on all meats and even vegetables. This chimichurri recipe was originally created to go with my smoked picanha but it is also amazing on salmon, chicken, steaks and even vegetables.

What You'll Need
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • 2 TBS red wine vinegar
  • 2 TBS orange juice (fresh squeezed is best)
  • 1 TBS orange zest
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced (roughly 2 teaspoons)
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1 TBS Jeff's Texas style rub
  • ½ cup cilantro, chopped
  • ½ cup flat leaf parsley, chopped
  • Pinch of salt (to taste)
Step 1: Fat and Acid

I use a ratio of approximately 2 parts fat to 1 part acid in any chimichurri recipe and this one is no different.

½ cup of olive oil with 2 TBS red wine vinegar and 2 TBS orange juice balances this one out perfectly.

A TBS of the orange zest tops it off perfectly!

Step 2: The Green

Next, chop the parsley and the cilantro.

You can definitely use a food processor if you prefer but I think chimichurri is best with greens that are hand chopped.

Add ½ cup each of chopped flat leaf parsley and chopped cilantro and stir it in real good.

Step 3: Flavor and Heat

To really bring out the flavor of the chimichurri sauce, we had things like salt, pepper, garlic, etc.

In this recipe, I incorporate 1 TBs of Jeff's Texas style rub since it is low on salt and big on flavor.

To this I also add 2-3 cloves of garlic which usually ends up being about 2 teaspoons of minced garlic.

To bring a little heat, we add a full teaspoon of red pepper flakes.

Note: if you want more heat add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper.

To finish off the flavor, add a pinch of salt and if you need more, add it a pinch at a time until it is perfect for YOU.

Step 4: Flavor Build

Once the sauce is put together, place it into the fridge to allow the flavors to come together.

I highly recommend making this chimichurri recipe a day ahead of time is best but 3-4 hours ahead will be okay.

Note: remove chimichurri from fridge about 30 minutes before using. It is best served at room temperature.

  • Change up the heat by using fresh jalapeño, Serrano, or even a little habanero if you are a pepper head.
  • Use different greens such as basil, oregano, etc. to change up the flavor as well.
  • Change out the orange juice for lemon juice, lime juice, etc. for a subtle shift in flavor and brightness.
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Jeff's Chimichurri Recipe

This chimichurri recipe was originally created to go with my smoked picanha but it is also amazing on salmon, chicken, steaks and even vegetables.
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time0 minutes
Total Time20 minutes


  • ½ cup olive oil
  • 2 TBS red wine vinegar
  • 2 TBS orange juice (fresh squeezed is best)
  • 1 TBS orange zest
  • ½ cup flat leaf parsley (chopped)
  • ½ cup cilantro (chopped)
  • 2 cloves garlic (minced (roughly 2 teaspoons))
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1 TBS Jeff's Texas style rub
  • Pinch of salt (to taste)


  • Add oil, vinegar and orange juice + zest to a small bowl.
  • Using a sharp knife, chop parsley and cilantro (not too fine) and add to bowl.
  • Add Jeff's Texas style rub, minced garlic, and pepper flakes
  • Stir in a pinch of salt and taste. Add more, a pinch at a time until it is perfect for you.
  • Place chimichurri in the fridge for several hours if possible to allow the ingredients to come together. (I recommend making this a day ahead of time if possible).
  • Remove the chimichurri from the fridge about 30 minutes before you want to serve it to allow it to come to room temperature.
  • Enjoy!

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  1. I have found smoking cheeses to be a be a new enhancement from the smoker.
    I’ve the cheeses with highest fat content have an urge to spread out.
    By cold smoking with only slightly warm smoke seems to help.
    Wrapping them in sterile gauze also helps.
    Block cheeses from Costco or BJs
    Are perfect. Cheddar , Feta,
    Sharp Provolones , come out great.