
Jeff’s Butter and Rub Mop Sauce

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This quick and easy mop sauce recipe is perfect for smoked brisket, ribs, chicken and almost anything else you'd cook on the smoker or grill. Sometimes you just need something to moisten the meat, make it look like a million dollars and add a little flavor at the same time.. that's where this mop sauce really comes in handy.

How to Make the Mop Sauce

  • 1 stick (¼ lb) of salted cream butter, melted
  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of Jeff's original rub*

Mix the ingredients together and keep it warm  and stir occasionally as you're using it to keep the ingredients well combined.

Things like chicken breast, tri-tip and even briskets, pork butt and ribs sometimes get a little dry on the outside while they cook.. heat is brutal.

Use this mop sauce every 20-30 minutes during the cooking process for much better results than what you've been getting without it.

*I obviously recommend my own original rub recipe for this as that's what I use and it just works so well but if you want to use something different, knock yourself out just make sure it's low in salt like mine otherwise, use unsalted butter and less rub depending on how salty it is.

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  1. Happy Sunday Jeff.
    I love your recipes, rub, sauce and book. I use a lot of your recipes. My wife got me a Camp Chef Pro 24 5 years ago and I love it. I enjoy your videos on youtube and copy them into my computer to save and use later. You are a pitmaster. I’ve been smoking meat over 30 yrs but not to the level of you. There are several meats my wife doesn’t like so I never get to smoke them. Keep your videos coming. God bless you and your family.

  2. Hi Jeff. Love the recipes you send. Just a comment after reading someone else’s comment about using mustard. I use Tiger Sauce and rub it all over ribs and pork butt or shoulder before applying rub and have for several years. A top BBQ competitor put me onto this sauce. Try it some time. Thanks and keep the smokin’ info coming. Bob Maddux

  3. Hi Jeff,

    I Did your smoked chicken recipe with the mayo and your rub (which I use all the time!) I bought a new Camp Chef 24″ smoker with sidekick and am learning. We loved the chicken but the skin was soft. I did a slow 225 not your 275 to get a lot of smoke flavor for 4 hours. How do I crisp up the skin? I did your butter and your rub mix. Basted every 30 minutes, still rubbery skin. Do I crank up the heat about 1 or 2 hours before reaching 165?

    PS what I love about smoking is the learning!

    1. John, I’m glad you loved the chicken but the skin having a better texture will take it over the top. Try giving it a couple hours of smoke and then hit it with 275 to 300 until finished and see if that’s a better bite-thru texture for you.

    2. I have made Jeff’s citrus rosemary game hens and if they aren’t crisp, I run them under the broiler for minute or two right before plating. Works great and folks love seeing the “sizzle” when I set the plates down.

  4. Do you use the butter mop on pork butts every 25-30 minutes from start to finish? Does it have much impact after a good bark exists?

    1. I did not start applying the mop until about 6 hours in and I just mopped as often I thought about it which usually ends up being 30 to 45 minutes. The exception to this would be if I was having trouble maintaining the heat in my smoker. In that case, I could choose to only mop a couple of times.

  5. I noticed you use yellow mustard a lot to help hold on your seasoning. – – – I can’t stand the taste of it in any way shape or form. Because of that I never use it. I have just been putting the seasoning on the bare meat. Am I loosing anything by doing it this way ? – thanks

    1. I am greedy with my rub.. don’t like to lose any so something with the consistency of mustard works great to hold the rub onto the meat. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t use it though.

      In my opinion, the mustard flavor fades so much during the cooking process that you don’t even notice it in the end. Of course, there’s a lot of other things that work just as well such as barbecue sauce, maple syrup, oils, softened butter, ranch dressing, fresh dressing, mayo, other salad dressings, apple sauce, the list goes on and on and is only limited by your imagination.

  6. Hey Jeff, I always enjoy your emails and I am a regular user of your original rub. I have learned before I smoke anything I check and see if you have a recipe for it. The one I am trying today is for your bacon candy. It looks like a good way to make a large quantity in a hurry.
    I started smoking back in the mid 60s and my smoker was an old porcelain lined refrigerator with a hot plate, Old frying pan and wood chips

  7. smoked pig shots–I used uncooked jalapeno brats–Incredibly delicious and mouth is watering as i type-also increased cook time by 20 minutes