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Smoked Bone-in Turkey Breast

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I have to admit that I am not always a big fan of turkey or of the white meat in turkey.. just too dry for my taste. Well that used to be the case until I started really getting into brining and learning how to make it moist and delicious.

Just to prove how good the white meat can actually be, I am focusing entirely on smoked turkey breast in this edition and I will be stepping you through the entire process of choosing, brining and smoking a bone-in turkey breast.

Acquiring the Meat

There's not a lot that can go wrong here but I do highly recommend that you get the bone-in and not the boneless. To me the flavor difference is day and night. I have smoked these in tandem and everyone agrees that the tenderness, flavor and texture is so much better with the bone-in version.

These will come in sizes from around 5 lbs all the way up to 10 pounds or maybe a little more. In my opinion, the 5-7 lb birds are going to be your best bet for tenderness and cooking time.

These are almost always frozen especially if you buy them off season so be prepared to purchase them a few days before you need them so you can give them ample time to thaw before brining and cooking them.

Note: Thaw time at refrigerator temperatures is about 5 lbs per day. i.e. a 7 pound bird will require about 1.5 days to thaw in the fridge. A 10 pound bird will take around 2 days.

Brining – The Most Important Step

I don't care what anyone says, after smoking umpteen of these and seeing the difference between brined vs. unbrined, you really owe it to yourself to try brining.

There is a ton of argument about what really happens during the brining process and why. Is it osmosis or is it just something else? Personally, I don't care as much about why it happens as I do that it just happens.

During the smoking process, even if you keep the heat low and remove the bird just as soon as it is safe to eat, there is still a bit of drying out that takes place especially in the white meat of poultry.

When you brine meat, especially poultry, lots of extra moisture somehow ends up getting trapped in the fibers of the meat and you end up with a much juicier and more flavorful bird.

It just so happens that brining is way easy and there is absolutely no reason not to do it.

Here's how:

The night before you want to smoke the bird, simply place 1 gallon of water into a large tea pitcher. Mix in 1 cup of kosher salt and stir until it is dissolved and the water is clear.

I also like to add about 3/4 cup of brown sugar but you can white sugar or no sugar if you prefer. You can also add just about any other flavors you like to the water and it will miraculously end up in the meat of the bird. I sometimes add Worcestershire, hot sauce, molasses or even crazy things like liquid crab boil as well. Just use your imagination and if it's something you like then it will probably taste good in the turkey.

My Brine Recipe

  • 2 Gal Water
  • 2 Cups Kosher Salt
  • 3 Cups Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Zatarains Liquid Crab Boil (optional)
  • 4 TBS Black Pepper
  • 1 TBS Dried Rosemary
  • 1 TBS Thyme
  • 1/4 Cup Molasses
  • 1/4 Cup White Wine (not Cooking Wine)
  • 1/4 Cup Worcestershire

Place the bird in a large foodsafe container made of glass or plastic and completely cover the bird with the brine solution. You may need to make a couple of batches to cover the bird completely.

If you are doing a large batch of turkey breasts like I did recently you can even use a large ice chest for the job.

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Keep the brine iced down and make sure to keep a thermometer in the brine to make sure it stays between 33 and 39 degrees F for safe food handling.

If you're just doing just one and it's not too large then you can probably even place it in a large zip-top bag with the brine. Set the bag down in a large stock pot, insert the turkey into the bag and then pour enough brine over the turkey to completely cover it. The pot will keep the bag steady and leak proof overnight in the fridge.

Leave the turkey breast in the brine for 8-12 hours for best results.

Prepare the Turkey Breast for Smoking

Remove the turkey from the brine container and rinse it well under cool water. Pat the turkey dry with a paper towel and set it aside.

At this point you may want to make up a batch of my rub as this turkey is going to get five star treatment. If you don't have my recipes, then this may be a good time to get them.

The easiest way to apply the rub is to place the turkey down in a large bag and do it “shake and smoke” style but you can also do the job by sprinkling it on.

I place my turkey breast down in a large zip top back and pour about 1/4 cup of canola oil over the turkey.

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I then place 4 TBS of my rub right on top of the turkey, seal the bag and proceed to lightly shake and roll the bag end over end to completely coat the surface of the turkey with the tasty goodness.

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The cool thing about this method is that the rub gets inside the turkey, under the skin a little and all over the outside with very little effort.

Open the bag to get a good look at the turkey and if you think it needs more rub then by all means throw in a few more spoonfuls and shake it some more.

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Once you are satisfied that the rub is all over then simply remove the turkey from the bag and set it on a pan for carrying out to the smoker.

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Preparing the Smoker

I take the low and slow very seriously and tend to keep the heat on the low side even for poultry in most cases. 225 -240 degrees is what I recommend and adhere to to make sure the sugar in the rub does not burn.

If you are one of those who absolutely must have crunchy skin on the bird then do what you must but to me, it's all about the meat being moist and the rub on the outside not being burnt.

Prepare the smoker for cooking at 225-240 degrees F and be sure to have enough smoking wood to keep the smoke going for about 4 hours or so.

Smoking the Turkey Breast

Once the smoker is clicking along at around 225-240 degrees F, place the turkey directly on the grate breast side up. At around the 3 hour mark, insert a digital probe meat thermometer into the breast of the turkey to begin monitoring the internal temperture.

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I highly recommend about 3 hours of cherry and 1 hour of pecan for some amazing flavor.

Rest and Tenderize

Once the breast reaches about 161-163 degrees, remove it from the smoker and immediately wrap it in a thick layer of heavy duty foil.
Place the turkey in a small ice chest or just wrap it in a couple of thick towels and lay it on the counter for about 30-45 minutes. An hour would not be a bad thing.

Do not skip this step if you can help it.. lots of wonderful things happen during this time.. the meat gets more tender and the juices that were forced to the surface during the cooking process, redistribute throughout the meat.

Serving the Meat

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Grab a sharp piece of cutlery and cut some tender pieces of that breast off of each side of the bird. Stop for a moment to marvel at the beautiful smoke ring just before you sit down to enjoy a wonderful meal with family and friends!

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  1. Is there a stall with turkey. My breast that is 6.75lbs has been on for 5 hours now and is only at 158 and hasn’t mover in over an hour. Upped the temp to 300 not sure what to do here

  2. im trying this recipe this weekend. I did it Lydia Style ( guestimate measure and improvision ). Brine 8-10 hrs. Smoking with Kingsford Charcoal and Cherry Chunks. results to follow.

  3. We are new to smoking meats and poultry. And OMG! Our 9lb bone in skin on turkey breast turned out perfect! I brined it overnight with my usual brine I use at Thanksgiving. Made up a rub and my husband used a mix of Apple and Maple pellets. I wrapped it in the heavy foil and towels, we did an hour just for the size of the turkey breast. I am so thankful I found this recipe and instructions. Thank you!

  4. this turned out absolutely delicious as all of Jeff’s recipes do. I put it on the slicer after tenderizing it and now I don’t have to buy any turkey sandwich meat anymore this is a lot better quality and I can pronounce everything that goes in it.

  5. Can you over brine ?? Like I put it in today at noon and was going to smoke it but decided to do a brisket instead. Sitting in brine until tomorrow at noon ?

  6. Jeff, I bought your recipes and cook book. Absolutely the best investment I have ever made. It is more economical than buying “store bought” rub plus you know what’s in it. No MSG! You book “Smoking Meat” has some fantastic recipes too. Love your Creamy Coleslaw.

  7. As far as smoking the bird, just give it smoke for 2hrs at 265, then double wrap in foil with a stick of butter put it back in for another hour, let it rest then enjoy.

  8. Hi Jeff,

    After reading your article on smoking turkey breast, I was wondering if you could inject the turkey after brining with mesquite or anything else?

  9. This was very helpful. I didn’t brine but I will next time. I did my dry rub yesterday wrapped it and put it in the frig over night.. I have a new smoker that’s going to get broke on today, can’t wait to see how the turkey comes out… Happy 4th to all!!!!!!

    1. Put some butter under skin or use like a Cajun injector and inject under. Put a rub on top after rubbing with butter. Apples oranges onion in turkey. Smoke with pecan wood and royal oaks
      charcoal at 230. Best juiciest turkey no BRINING

    1. Yes, however, you do not want the turkey to drip onto the brisket so you will need to place the brisket on top and the turkey on the bottom. The turkey will take 6-7 hours for a standard 10-12 pounder so if you want them to be ready to eat at the same time, try to time it so the brisket is within 4 hours or so of being finished when you place the turkey on.

      When the brisket gets finished, wrap it in foil, then place it in a empty ice cooler filled in with towels, blankets, etc. to insualte it and the brisket will stay hot and continue to tenderize for 4 hours or so while the turkey cooks.

      1. Put a Boston Butt on the top rack and the Turkey Breast on the bottom and let the pork drip on the turkey.

  10. I am smoking on a vision grill.  10lb. bone in Turkey breast.  Will brine two days before, dry one day and then rub before smoking at 250.  Can you give me an idea of time per lb.?  All I can find is ranges of 3-6 hours.  Looking for something with a tighter timeline.





    1. I have done this process twice now.  Each time I have done a breast between 10 and 12 pounds.  I smoke at 225 degrees using an electric smoker (meaning temperature is consistent).  It has taken between 3 to 4 hours each time.  I have also determine that letting the meat rest closer to 2 hours seemed to make it way juicier than resting for 1 hour.  Hope that helps and Happy Eating!

  11. I just smoked my first turkey breast ever I made my own rub and used these steps it turned out GREAT!  Thanks for the pointers


    1. In this recipe I recommend about 3 hours of cherry and a final hour with pecan if you can. I recommend keeping the smoke going for a full 4 hours (or the entire cook time) if possible for best results.

      Every smoker uses wood chips/chunks at a different rate. Once the smoke slows down and/or the wood burns up, keep adding more to keep the smoke going.

  12. Jeff, I use your recipes all the time — I bought them out of guilt!  I learned so much about smoking meats from your website that I felt I owed it to you to contribute.  They're great and everything you say they are.  Thanks for everything — the education and the great recipes.  Uncle Bob